Our shops are a vital lifeline for generating income to deliver our work.
And it’s not just about the money. Our shops are the face of Scope to thousands of people in their communities, a place where conversations about our work and mission happen.
We rely on our supporters to donate quality clothes, books, toys, bric-a-brac, furniture to our shops. And we also rely on our volunteers – put simply our shops could not operate without our dedicated volunteers, many of whom are disabled.
But we face huge challenges in this area. The environment is incredibly competitive with multiple charity shops battling against each other on every high street.
Additionally, we need to double our volunteer numbers. A tough ask when the charity retail sector is facing reduced levels of volunteer interest year on year.
So we have big plans for our shops over the next 5 years to ensure we have a sustainable source of income to finance our ambitions.
We have an ambitious target to more than double our current annual profit from £3.3 million to £5.5 million by 2021/2022. We want the conversations with our customers to go further, to talk more about what we do and how they can support us to achieve our vision.
We plan to grow the number of shops from 220 to 250 by 2022. We will open 10 new shops and 20 of our new Home by Scope, furniture and electrical shops. The first Home by Scope shop opened in Northampton in July 2018, with 4 more to follow in 2018/19.
We will use digital technology to drive efficiency and improve systems so we’re even better at signing people up to Gift Aid, inducting and training our staff and volunteers, and moving stock around.
We will continue to invest in our people and set up an expert volunteering team to help us recruit more volunteers and champion them as part of the Scope team.
Scope will work to reduce the gap between the percentage of disabled people and non-disabled people in work by:
Scope will tackle the financial penalty associated with disability by:
Together we can take action to ensure that disabled people have fairness and equality. At home. At work. At school. In our communities.
Everyday equality. No less.
And we won’t stop until it happens.
We help disabled children get the best start in life. We support disabled people to lead the lives they choose. But life is still much harder for disabled people than it needs to be.
The challenges disabled people face are changing. Disabled people today have greater ambitions for life and expect to be treated equally.
But too often disabled people can’t access the support they need at home, in education or at work, and face negative attitudes, unnecessary extra costs and huge pressures on family life.
So we’re making a choice to change too. We want to support disabled people to realise their ambitions. We will focus on having the greatest impact on the lives of disabled people.
There is still much more to do. To challenge injustice, change attitudes and ensure disabled people have a stronger voice to influence change at home and across society.
We will redesign our information, advice and support to reach millions of disabled people and have the greatest impact on their lives.
We will be bold in challenging government and businesses to tackle inequality. We will change attitudes so that disabled people can fulfil their aspirations.
Scope will improve opportunities for disabled children and the resilience of their families by:
Scope will ensure disabled young people have the same opportunities as everyone else by:
This strategy is the continuation of our important journey. It is a clear statement of how we realise change, so that disabled people enjoy equality and fairness.
Scope has always been about making positive change happen. We aim for quality information and advice, personalised services and influential campaigns that mean that more disabled people can lead the lives they choose.
But life today is still much harder for disabled people than it needs to be. And disabled people have told us that the challenges they face are continuing to change too. So we’re changing to meet those challenges with them. If we don’t, we won’t be in a place to support disabled people to realise their ambitions.
Our strategy is underpinned by detailed and robust plans that aim to achieve our mission of everyday equality. We will be an organisation that is truly led by our mission and relevant to the lives of millions of disabled people and their families. Available when disabled people need us most.
We want to raise expectations when it comes to disability. To do this we focus on the priorities disabled people tell us matter most; supporting them to get the best start in life, live the life they choose and be financially secure.
We aim to harness the power of digital technology to improve lives and reach many more disabled people, to offer the information they need, to be better connected and in control.
We want disabled people and like-minded partners to come together, start campaigns, challenge attitudes, influence decision makers and shape the world around them.
We want disabled people to have fairness and equality – at home, at work, at school and in our communities. Disabled people will remain at the heart of everything we do.
We are proud of what we have achieved and excited about the future. We aim to be a bold and collaborative force to bring about positive, lasting change. And we look forward to working with you to make that happen.
We’re Scope. We won’t stop until we achieve a society where all disabled people enjoy equality and fairness.
Scope will ensure all disabled people are able to live the life they choose by:
By 2022 we will be the go-to organisation for disability, directly reaching 2 million people with information, advice and support.
By 2022 we will be driving change for many of the 14 million disabled people in the UK, so their ambitions aren’t limited by attitudes or policy and they can lead the lives they choose.
We have ambitious plans for the next 5 years.
To help us develop this strategy, we listened to disabled people, their families, our supporters and Disabled People’s Organisations to ask them where we should focus on the next 5 years. It was important to have conversations with people who matter to us so we could build a strategy that tackles the challenges and issues they told us they face.
We will work in partnership with disabled people, government, businesses, partners and the public to make change happen.
We will deliver social change by influencing policy, attitudes and markets, and by offering information, advice and support to disabled people and their families.
We will:
Everything we do will be underpinned by robust evidence and customer insight, and focus on delivering social change.
We have developed a theory of change to ensure our actions, and how it influences people to behave differently, deliver the social change we wish to see.
The golden threads of our theory of change will inform all we do. It will keep our focus on the issues that matter and have the greatest impact possible.
It’s not just about reaching many more people at moments that matter. It’s also about making a big difference, for a lifetime.
We will:
And we won’t stop until we get there
Our people are at the heart of everything we do.
This strategy isn’t just about what will we do to make change happen, it’s also about the people who deliver our work – our staff and volunteers. And how we will up our game to attract, retain and motivate the talent we need to deliver everyday equality.
We will create a culture based on our new values, where our people can flourish. We will work together in an environment that supports creativity, passion and growth. By investing in our people and supporting them to be the best they can be, we will be united in our commitment to achieving our mission.
One of our ambitions is to be an inclusive employer, leading the field in the employment of disabled people and supporting diversity in all its forms. We know we must lead by example on disability equality, acting as a role model for other employers. And we know we can do more.
We have a solid foundation to build upon. Our staff survey tells us that of our staff who declared themselves disabled, 84% are happy to disclose their impairment. This is well above the average for any charity and public sector organisation.
We also know that our disabled staff are very positive about Scope as a place to work. We have taken the first step by moving to a fully accessible and inspiring work place. The contemporary facilities include a Changing Places toilet which is accessible to the local community as well as our staff and volunteers.
Supporters are the heartbeat of Scope. We are here to mobilise change through others and without your support we cannot achieve the change we all want to see.
By 2022, we want to achieve more than 120,000 supporters and donors in addition to our 40,000 online community members and our 8,000 retail volunteers. With our supporters, we will use our collective power to:
The more money we have, the more we can achieve. We rely on our voluntary income as the sole source of income generation. By 2022 we will increase our voluntary income to £90 million and in doing so will have reached 2 million disabled people and their families and achieved the social change we want to see.
We can’t do this without you. Everyone has a role to play however small or big. It matters. Please join us.
Our values set the tone for how we work together, how we behave and how we make decisions.
We are passionate. We make things happen and lead the way. We are curious, abandoning assumptions and pushing boundaries. We innovate to find new solutions and always strive for better. We expect a lot of ourselves and each other, but we are confident – proud of our work and focussed on the impact we can have.
Working together our passion, knowledge and experience will create a fairer society for disabled people. We make it our business to connect – internally and externally – to collaborate and form alliances. We listen. We pull the best minds together, tapping into the expertise and imagination of the right people.
We always question why. We are willing to challenge the status quo, ourselves and each other. We are unafraid to fail fast and learn quickly and single minded in our desire to achieve disability equality. We don’t settle for less.
It’s a mind-set. We are open to ideas, and to each other. We are transparent about what we do and how we do it, building trust internally and with our customers and supporters. We create supportive, accessible environments where everyone has a voice and people feel confident to speak up. Our openness means we can achieve more and achieve more quickly.
We are the change we seek, passionate about making sure all have a fair chance, the opportunities we all deserve. And this is how we work at Scope, valuing, respecting and supporting each other, our diversity, our skills and our expertise. We all take responsibility. We ask a lot of ourselves and each other and we support each other to succeed.
Scope will support disabled people to:
Disabled people told us they wanted advice from a source that felt like ‘they knew because they’d been there’. The best way to do this was by asking disabled people who had ‘been there’ to share their experiences.
Joel, a former customer and graduate of our Starting Line employment service, returned to talk to new customers about his experience on the project, and how he benefited from it. He volunteered his time.
The session went well – key feedback from the participant was that the process was exciting, quick and simple.
As a result, we’ve rolled this out to all our Starting Line services. These sessions are well received by new customers.
Pair writing involves disabled people helping us to write copy for our website. A Scope content designer and a working-age disabled person sit down together to draft the content. This becomes the information and advice on our website – in this case about jobs, work and benefits.
Working like this ensures that our content reflects user needs and language, which makes it easier for our customers to find and understand. It also builds participants’ writing and communication skills and delivers reportedly increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
The new online content, designed alongside disabled people, is rated consistently higher by visitors than the old content. Importantly, the participants valued the opportunity to contribute.
To ensure our strategy, truly makes an impact through our daily work, disabled people who have received our services helped us to develop a set of measures. Their input was vital in how we developed our Impact Assessment Framework.
This shows how our disabled customers’ lived experience is directly influencing the way we work.
Cath, disability advocate![]()
The attitude of too many people is that disability issues are all about benefits and illness.
Felix, supported by Scope![]()
There’s a long way to go to improve attitudes and awareness.
Christie, mum to Elise![]()
I worry every day about Elise’s future. I worry that when she’s at the age where she knows what’s going on, that she’ll want to join in but she can’t.
Ricky, student![]()
I was simply told that I would have to make the best of things and that I would be fed the following day.
Becca, Scope for Change campaigner![]()
I went to many interviews, but nothing ever came from them… Then there was my worst fear: what if my disability was the problem?
Abbi, disability advocate![]()
Disabled people have a lot to offer the world of work, and I genuinely believe that the world of work has a lot to offer us in return.
Scope research participant![]()
Scope tried to make the engagement process as simple as possible for me. They sought my consent at every stage of my involvement.
Scope Impact participant![]()
I feel that (focus) groups like this are important to understand people’s perspectives on how well the project is doing in delivering its services. Very interesting.
Azar, supported by Scope![]()
Because of my disability, people are like ‘he can’t do this’, ‘he can’t do that’, and it hurts. I know what I want to be, and I know I can get my dream job.
Over a third of the British public have avoided talking to disabled people for fear of saying the wrong thing.
Over half of disabled people have worried about sharing information about their impairment or condition with an employer.
4 in 10 parents said their disabled children ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ have the opportunity to socialise and mix with children who are not disabled.
1 in 4 disabled people said they feel valued by society.
Disabled people are twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled people.
On average, disabled people spend £583 a month on disability related costs.
Everyday equality is about ensuring we all have an equal chance in life. Not feeling inferior, not being treated unfairly, not being overlooked because of who we are. It’s about fairness, justice and rights – at home, at school, at work and in our communities.
Disabled people tell us that everyday equality can’t be achieved without a steady income, enough to pay the bills and cope with unexpected events. For many, but not all disabled people, it’s about having a job.
It’s about feeling strong enough to cope with the hard times. It’s about knowing how to get support and getting that support when it’s most needed, in a way that suits you. It’s about finding others who are in the same boat, not feeling alone. It’s about going to school, feeling safe, having friends, going out and enjoying life. It’s about feeling independent, confident and connected.
Putting disabled people front and centre of all we do. The lived experience and expertise of disabled people, parents of disabled children and disabled people’s organisations will shape our work.
Scope exists to lift the voices of disabled people and to work together with disabled people and their families to make sure our services and our campaigns deliver what we know disabled people need to provide everyday equality. We will continue to work tirelessly to improve disabled people’s experiences of working with us.
Our core values of pioneering, courageous, connected, open and fair are important to us. We encourage disabled people to challenge and collaborate at every opportunity, as it is only through challenge and teamwork that we can innovate and improve. We work hard to remain relevant to the needs of today and to be ready for the needs of tomorrow.
We are here to work together with disabled people and their families to shape a society that is equal, to help share the stories, the aspirations, the struggles and the successes and to work together and with others to find solutions and support each other at times of need.
We share our insights and our experiences to inspire businesses, the media and creative industry, the government and the public to change the way they engage with disabled people. We will create equality for disabled people and we will do this together. It starts when you step forward... join us and become a ‘Disability Gamechanger’.