Your local authority will invite you to an EHCP review meeting.
After the meeting, your local authority will send you an amended version of the EHCP, also called an 'amendment notice'.
Enter the date of your annual review meeting.
If you have a date for your amendment notice, enter that too.
Then click 'Calculate' to see a timeline of the process with the deadlines for you and your local authority.
Your local authority will invite you to an EHCP review meeting.
After the meeting, your local authority will send you an amended version of the EHCP, also called an 'amendment notice'.
Enter dates into the timeline to see the deadlines for you and your local authority.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) invites you to the annual review meeting.
The local authority or school gathers information from everyone involved and shares this before the meeting. Check the information and EHCP before the meeting.
Together, you will all check your child's progress against their agreed outcomes.
Deadline for local authority to send the annual report. It should have arrived with you by this date.
Deadline for local authority to tell you if they are making changes.
Date on the updated draft EHCP sent by your local authority, also called the 'amendment notice'.
Your local authority sends you a draft EHCP and an 'amendment notice' of any planned changes. Check the draft EHCP and amendment notice.
When you get the revised EHCP, you have 15 days to respond and suggest changes
Deadline for local authority to share the finalised EHCP.
When you get the finalised EHCP, you have 8 weeks to respond.
Appealing a decision