Finding emergency housing if you feel unsafe

This information applies to England.

For Wales, please read Homelessness and domestic abuse (Shelter Cymru)

Warning If you are in immediate danger

If someone is in immediate danger or badly hurt, always call 999.

If you cannot reply to questions on the phone, cough or tap the handset. The operator may ask you to press 55 if you cannot speak.

If you cannot call, text 'REGISTER' to 999 and follow the instructions.

Domestic abuse: get help (GOV.UK)

Warning Hide this web page quickly

Use Ctrl + W on your keyboard to close this tab.

If someone is watching what you look at online, you can delete this page from your history or use a private browsing session.

How to go incognito in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari (Computerworld)

Get advice

Contact a domestic abuse organisation to get advice about your situation. Try calling when you are alone.

They will talk you through your options for leaving your home or see if you can stay in your home safely.

Click the links to find all contact options, such as text and live chat, or call the telephone numbers listed:

Phone numbers starting in 0808 and 0800 are free. These helplines are often busy. Leave a voicemail telling them how and when to call you safely. Or try calling again if you do not get through.

Bright Sky is an app and website that provides practical support and information on how to respond to domestic abuse. It is available in 5 languages: English, Urdu, Punjabi, Polish and Welsh.

Bright Sky app

Warning If you decide to leave

It may be unsafe for you to return home if you decide to leave. 

Talk to a domestic abuse helpline about your concerns and how to make a plan to leave your home safely.

Make a safety plan

Accessing short-term emergency housing

There are 2 ways of accessing short-term emergency housing:

  • through a referral to a refuge
  • with help from your local authority

The accommodation available may not be in your area, and you may have to move away.

If you are renting and worried about your contract, a support worker or housing officer can help you sort out your tenancy later.

Referral to a refuge

A refuge is safe accommodation for people experiencing or at risk of domestic abuse. If you are in this situation, call a domestic abuse organisation or helpline. An adviser can help you find a refuge space.

The refuge will help you make a plan to leave your home safely.

Travel to Refuge

You can stay in a refuge while you look for longer-term housing.

Support from a local authority

If you are at risk of domestic abuse in your home, you are classed as ‘legally homeless’. This means local authorities must help you find safe accommodation or help you be safe in your home. This can be your local authority or one in another area.

You must meet certain residence conditions for them to support you. There are different conditions for:

Emergency housing

You will get emergency housing if you meet residence conditions and you are:

  • pregnant or have children living with you
  • homeless because of domestic abuse
  • considered ‘vulnerable’, for example due to disability or a serious health condition

Find your local authority (GOV.UK)

Accommodation options are limited, but councils must try to take your needs into account. This includes access needs and any health or care services you use regularly. You may be moved to another area to avoid seeing the person who abused you. You may initially stay in a hotel or bed and breakfast. But the local authority has a duty to help you with long-term housing.

The council may not help further if you reject the accommodation they offer. If it is unsuitable for you, it is best to accept the offer and then get legal advice.

Check if you're eligible for Civil Legal Aid (GOV.UK)

Help if you're homeless: domestic abuse (Shelter)

If you stay in your home

If you decide to stay in your home, you can still access support. It may be possible to get an injunction, which is a court order to protect you and your children from the person who abused you. It decides who can stay in the home and who needs to leave.

Get an injunction if you’ve been the victim of domestic violence (GOV.UK)

Make a safety plan

If you remain in your home, think about how you can stay safe:

  • stay in touch with your family and friends as much as possible
  • set up a code word or signal you can text someone close to you if you feel threatened
  • save emergency and helpline numbers in your phone
  • have a small amount of cash on you
  • keep a bag of essential items in a safe place or with a neighbour, including forms of ID, bank statements and any letters about debt
  • make a safety plan in case you need to leave quickly

Making a safety plan (Women’s Aid)

Warning Supporting your mental health

If you are struggling with your mental health, ask for support when you can. 

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing is important. Everyone manages their mental health differently. 

For contact details of organisations that can help, go to:

Managing your mental health

Last reviewed by Scope on: 22/11/2024

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