Frequently asked questions

What are the Scope Awards? 

The Scope Awards celebrate the people and organisations who are working to end disability inequality.  

We want to hear from individuals, groups and organisations. Anyone who is working to create an equal future for disabled people. We want to share your stories. To amplify disabled voices and build a movement of change. 

When does the Scope Awards 2025 open for nominations? 

 The Scope Awards 2025 will open for nominations on Tuesday 17 September. Nominations will close on Tuesday 19 November.  

How do I make a nomination for the Scope Awards 2025? 

To enter the Awards, please complete the nomination form. 

You can find useful guidance on how to write a great nomination here.  

Who can enter the Awards? 

Anyone can submit a nomination. We want to hear from equality champions who are paving the way. You can nominate yourself, a friend, a family member or an organisation – anyone who is working to end disability inequality. The following categories are open to disabled nominees only: 

  • Celebrity Role Model 
  • Journalist 
  • Social Media Influencer 

Who won the Scope Awards 2024? 

You can see the winners in each category here. 

How are you making sure the Awards are inclusive?

We are committed to prioritising and championing the diversity of the disabled community.

Some steps we have taken are:

  • Including diversity and inclusion as one of our core shortlisting and judging criteria.
  • Prioritising the diversity of our shortlisting panels and judging panels.
  • Being clear about our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in the guidance we give to the panel and judges.
  • Supporting more people to make nominations. This includes publishing the judging criteria, providing examples and guidance and offering email and telephone support.
  • Ensuring our judges are offered payment for their work.

How are the winners chosen? 

Each category is shortlisted by an internal panel.

The winners are chosen from the shortlist by an independent judging panel with a range of expertise in different areas. 

The shortlisting and judging panels both review the nominations against the judging criteria outlined in the nomination form. For more information about criteria, please visit the how to enter page. 

Who is on the judging panel? 

We have an independent panel of disabled judges from a range of industries and with varied experiences. 

We will announce our full judging panel later in the year. 

To request information in an alternative format, such as an easy read or in braille, you can email