Examples 1 to 3 have full page photography. Opposite pages have a large quotes or statements 'I can't afford to heat my house' and stat '75% of families reported delays to routine health appointments for their disabled child' and 'Being disabled isn't going to stop me'. Each has a small paragraph of body copy.
Examples 4 to 6 show data. The first has the disability price tag with an illustration of a shopping basket and a tag with amount, this is over a 2 page spread and a large title 'the disability price tag'.
The second has a 3 bar chart with different stats on one page and then a full page article on the opposite page. The title is 'how negative attitudes have affected disabled people'.
The last has yellow amplification circles with stats, and uses illustrations overlapping the bottom left of the circle. They span the 2 page spread. Each circle has a paragraph of text. "
Core posts
For 'stories' and 'one-off' posts, the secondary colour palette should be used to create variety.