Our experience principles
These principles cover all Scope experiences. They help us to make sure that whenever and wherever you come across Scope, the experience stays true to who we are.
1. Creating connections
We foster a sense of belonging, making everyone feel welcomed and understood. Leaving space for differences and finding strength in our connections.
2. Openly curious
We are always transparent, sharing truths, facts and real life stories so that people feel reassured and validated. And we ask questions to encourage an open view of the world.
3. Inspiring action
Wherever people find us we leave them feeling energised and better equipped to move forward. Full of belief that change is possible.
Creating connections
How do we do that verbally?
- A sense of togetherness, writing with the collective ‘we’.
- Speaking at the same level to everyone, we are all part of the same society.
- Storytelling with real life quotes and experiences.
- Non judgemental tone, we’re here to listen to each other.
- Connecting through identifying, empathy and humour.
“Millions of voices, unmissable and proud.”
“Come on in, our door is always open.”
How do we do that visually?
Life made real
- Real stories in visual and verbal content.
- Authentic images, quotes, backed up by facts and relevant data.
Expressing character
- Celebrating the quirks, the individuals and the differences through unexpected elements.
- For example, slight overlaps, angles, disruptive content, small surprises.
- Flourishes but never decorative.
Openly curious
How do we do that verbally?
- Straightforward language, we avoid jargon and write simply.
- Informing and educating by sharing evidence, facts and truths in an easy to understand way.
- Asking questions of why things are the way they are and what could be possible.
- Always learning, listening and evolving.
“The hidden truths of less visible disability.”
“Life costs an extra £975 a month on average if you’re disabled.”
How do we do that visually?
Boldy simple
- Confidently state the truth and magnify the key issue through one simple image, headline, fact or graphic.
- Create an uncomplicated and clear hierarchy of information and simple type hierarchy.
- Purple is the main recognisable colour.
Open to all
- Fully inclusive imagery and storytelling.
- Accessible and easy user experience.
Inspiring action
How do we do that verbally?
- Small steps - breaking it down to make it easier to take action.
- Shorter, sharper moments of action with language to match.
- Actively courageous, prepared to make change happen.
- Calling people in versus calling people out. We are provocative and direct when it’s needed but not aggressive.
“Action needed.”
“Let’s give every child the chance to play. Join us now
How do we do that visually?
Positively bright
- Optimistically bright and energetic.
- Larger than life and unmissable.
- Bold, confident and colourful outlook.
Strong way-finding
- Positive, energetic tone.
- Show people what to do to make an impact.
- Give clear direction at all times.
- Visually impactful call to action.