
Scope and Deloitte launched their 3-year partnership in 2019, as part of their 5 Million Futures programme (formerly One Million Futures).

5 Million futures

5 Million Futures (5MF) is the Deloitte North and South Europe (NSE) social impact strategy, aiming to help 5 million people get to where they want to be through access to education and employment.

Connecting with over 70 schools, charities and social enterprises across the country. 5MF supports a broad range of societal partners, providing pro bono, volunteering and fundraising.

Deloitte's employees will provide vital support through fundraising and volunteering to help Scope achieve its ambition of Everyday Equality. As part of their 5MF strategy, Deloitte are funding Scope’s new independent youth careers service, Career Pathways.

As well as fundraising for the service, Deloitte employees will also be supporting Career Pathways through numerous volunteering opportunities, working directly with young disabled people during their transition from education to employment.

Career Pathways

For the first time, Scope is directly supporting young disabled people in their transition to adulthood. Our independent careers advice service equips young disabled people with the knowledge and experience they need to succeed.

Our specialist career advisers support young disabled people to gain confidence and set them on the right path to fulfilling their career aspirations and personal goals.

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