Get Inclusive

Through Get Inclusive, Scope’s disability employment advisers will work with you to help break down the procedural and attitudinal barriers disabled people face getting into the workplace.

Flexible and tailored to you

Get Inclusive has a flexible approach and can be tailored to include:

Understanding your organisation’s needs

As a first stage of the partnership, we will help you to identify your organisation's current knowledge and understanding of disability.

Disability employment advice

Benefit from direct contact with our disability employment advisers. Helping you with specific disability employment issues.

Sharing best practices

Join our round table discussions and meet other organisations who are on the journey to becoming more inclusive employers. Share best practices and have an even wider influence.

Toolkits and resources

These resources will help you improve internal culture, recruitment, retention, reasonable adjustments and more.

End the Awkward

Humour is a great way to break down barriers between disabled and non-disabled people, you will get access to our suite of End the Awkward videos.

Let’s Talk sessions

Listen to the personal experiences of disabled people in the work place and ask questions in an open, safe environment.

Inclusive workshops

A workshop with your Human Resources department and hiring managers to look at current processes and policies.

Meeting local disabled jobseekers

World of Work sessions bring jobseekers from our community to your organisation for a short visit. Allowing them to get an understanding of your sector and business.

Reaching more disabled talent

We will promote your vacancies as part of our employment services, enabling you to attract more applications from disabled people.

Next steps

Together we will review the first year and discuss next steps for continuing to improve inclusivity for disabled employees.

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