2025 TCS London Marathon Terms and Conditions for charity place entrants

Publication date: June 2024

We're excited that you're interested in joining #TeamScope for the 2025 TCS London Marathon. Please carefully review the following terms and conditions. These establish the agreement between you and Scope for your participation in this event. They replace our standard events terms and conditions for charity place participants. 

If you need these in a different format or have any questions, please contact the team by email on events@scope.org.uk

1. General

  1. By applying to join the London Marathon with Scope, you agree that the Scope events team can contact you by phone, text, email, and post about your participation. 
  2. You enter the event entirely at your own risk. You understand that Scope is not responsible for the event and accepts no liability for your participation. 
  3. You understand that this event is organised by a third-party event organiser, London Marathon Events. The organiser is solely responsible for the conduct and operation of the event, including all health and safety requirements. 
  4. You agree not to do anything which may bring Scope’s name into disrepute. 
  5. You accept that Scope reserves the right to change, amend or alter these Terms and Conditions at any time without warning or permission. The latest version of these Terms and Conditions are posted on Scope’s website immediately or available upon request. 

2. Your participation

  1. You must meet the minimum age of 18 on race day to participate in the event. 
  2. You understand that Scope’s charity places are allocated via a pre-determined selection process to achieve the greatest possible gain for Scope and all decisions made are final.  
  3. Once offered a charity place with Scope, you must pay a non-refundable and non-transferable registration fee of £75 to secure your place. This registration fee includes VAT and will not be refunded for any reason. 
  4. Scope retains full control over its London Marathon charity places and may withdraw your place at any time if necessary. For example, if fundraising milestones are not met, if you fail to respond to communications, or if we learn of unlawful or unethical fundraising method. We will inform you of our concerns and attempt to resolve the situation where possible. 
  5. You are responsible for covering your own travel and accommodation expenses to participate in the event. You acknowledge that Scope cannot contribute to these costs and is not liable for them if your charity place offer is withdrawn at a later date. 

3. Health, including fitness and injury

  1. You confirm that, to the best of your knowledge, your general state of health and fitness is good, and you take full responsibility for your training. 
  2. You commit to seeking medical advice prior to the event if necessary and letting the event organisers know of any medical conditions or circumstances which might affect your taking part so that they can best assist you. 
  3. You confirm that you will not hold Scope responsible for any accident, injury or illness sustained from your participation in the event. 
  4. You agree to follow all safety instructions and training procedures, as issued by the event organisers, when taking part to enjoy a safe and fun event. 

4. Deferral

  1. All charity place deferrals are at Scope’s discretion and are not guaranteed. 
  2. Should you become injured during your training for the event and feel that you are not going to be able to take part on the day, Scope will endeavour to defer your place to the next London Marathon. This is not guaranteed and can only be done once.  
  3. Should you defer your place, your minimum fundraising amount will be updated to match the minimum fundraising for the year you are deferring to.  
  4. Any money you may have already raised will also be rolled over to count towards your fundraising total next time. But you may need to pay a registration fee for the next year’s event on top of that. 

5. Withdrawal

  1. If you wish to withdraw from the event, you must notify Scope on 020 7619 7270 or email events@scope.org.uk at your earliest convenience.  
  2. If you cross the London Marathon start line but do not cross the finish line, you will still be liable to raise the minimum sponsorship amount. 
  3. If you drop out you cannot allocate your place to someone else, the place is returned to Scope. 

6. Fundraising

  1. All funds raised for Scope through the event will be made payable to Scope. 
  2. By accepting a Scope charity place in the London Marathon, you agree to raise a minimum of £2,000 (excluding Gift Aid). And adhere to various milestones to help you reach this target. 
  3. If you are not a UK-resident, you agree to meet the fundraising target and milestones in Pounds Sterling (GBP or £). 
  4. These milestones (excluding Gift Aid) are as follows: £500 (25% of total) by 1 October 2024. £1,000 (50% of total) by 1 December 2024. £1,200 (60% of total) by 1 January 2025. £1,600 (80% of total) by 1 March 2025.
  5. All remaining sponsorship must be paid to Scope by 8 June 2025, 6 weeks after the 2025 TCS London Marathon. If you haven't met the minimum amount by then, we’ll expect you to cover the difference yourself.   
  6. Missing a fundraising milestone may result in losing your place in the event. 
  7. Scope will regularly review your fundraising progress. We may withdraw your place if we determine that you are not committed to raising the full sponsorship amount. This is so that it can be re-allocated to someone on our waiting list. The Scope Events team will be in regular contact with you to support your fundraising efforts to minimise this risk.  
  8. You understand that Gift Aid is not included in your minimum sponsorship. The money raised from Gift Aid is a valuable bonus for Scope. 
  9. You understand that any existing regular donations which you make to Scope do not form part of the total raised through sponsorship. 
  10. We welcome match funding and are happy to support you in securing it from your employer as needed. However, where match funding has not been received by the milestone date, it cannot be deemed as included in the total raised unless agreed otherwise with the Scope Events team. 
  11. You agree to keep Scope updated with your fundraising progress and regularly pass on any monies raised to Scope. 
  12. You agree to only use legal means to fundraise and comply with any fundraising guidance or advice issued by Scope. 
  13. You commit to return any unused Scope fundraising materials, including sponsorship forms, to Scope on completion of your fundraising activities. 
  14. You agree to only use the ‘in aid of Scope’ logo to create your own materials. You will not use the Scope logo in any other way, unless by written agreement with the Scope Events team. 
  15. You agree that your sponsorship forms and online fundraising pages will make it clear that the money is not given subject to any conditions and that the monies will not be returned if the event is cancelled, your place withdrawn, or you do not complete the event. 
  16. If you do not take part in the event, any sponsorship money raised will be treated as donations unless your sponsors contact Scope directly for a refund.

7. Data protection, including images and audio

  1. You agree to Scope storing the information that you provided on their database. 
  2. You agree that Scope may share your details with the event organiser. 
  3. You allow Scope to use any quotes, photographs or videos from the event in future materials to raise awareness or money for Scope. This can include, but not be limited to, marketing material, television broadcasts, social media, advertising, publications, and other documents that may be made available to the public. 
  4. Any photographs or video footage that you share with us, may be shared on our website, social networks and/or used in marketing materials – this may include photographs of your friends and family should you share these with us.  
  5. Photographs of children will not be used in this manner without express written consent unless the images are incidental. For example, children’s images at the starting line. 
  6. If you would prefer that your quotes, photographs or videos are not used in this way, please contact the Scope Events team.

Scope's promise to you

In return for taking part in the 2025 TCS London Marathon with #TeamScope, Scope promises the below: 

  • We will regularly communicate with you as part of your event preparation journey.  
  • We will provide you with expert fundraising support from our team and training support from our training partner, Coopah. 
  • We will be there to help you reach your fundraising milestones by giving you lots of ideas, resources and support.  
  • We will keep costs to a minimum. 
  • We will take all your feedback seriously, including complaints. All issues will be dealt with quickly and accurately. 
  • We will say thank you for your support and keep you up to date with news about our work (unless you don’t want us to).
  • We do not sell or swap your details with any third parties, but to carry out our work we may need to pass your details to service companies authorised to act on our behalf. For further information about how we collect and use personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy