Community at the hub

The Leeds Community Hub is a space where you can:

  • meet with friends and peers regarding disability
  • organise meetings and events
  • make new connections

Any members, customers or supporters of Scope are welcome at the hub.

Read more about our membership and become a member for free.

Using our hub

There is a community lounge with coffee tables and armchairs. You can access the area Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, free of charge. There is no need to book to access the community lounge.

[photo of the community lounge here]

You can use that area for:

We do not offer drink-making facilities, but you are welcome to bring your own hot and cold drinks.

There is a Sainsbury’s supermarket 150 metres from the hub.

Organise meetings at the hub

There are 2 meeting rooms and an event area in the hub.

View the meeting rooms and the event area.

You can use them for events, including:

  • disability-related workshops and meetings
  • meet-ups with your group of disabled and non-disabled friends
  • events with your local action groups, charities or business

The 2 meetings rooms and the event area have monitors with speakers. You can use them to project slides, videos and more.

You can access the 2 meeting rooms and the event area Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, free of charge. You need to make a booking before you come. Space is subject to availability.

Make a booking now.

For any questions about how to use the space in the hub, please contact

Make new connections

If you want to make new friends and connect with like-minded people around disability, sign up to:

Both programmes are at the hub. Get in touch with them to know more about the next meet-ups.

Support for parents, carers and condition-specific groups

We do not offer support groups for parents or carers of disabled children. If you want to know more about our family services, please contact

Alternatively, you can visit:

We do not offer condition-specific support groups at the hub. If you are a person with cerebral palsy, you can join Scope’s cerebral palsy network.

Read more about Scope cerebral palsy network