Disability Pride members event

Join us on 29 July 2024 for our tenth Scope's members event! 

We will mark Disability Pride month together by celebrating diversity, inclusion, and the achievements of the disabled community. Hear about the challenges and opportunities disabled people have experienced and the changes they are driving.

Date: Monday 29th July 2024

Time: From 6.30pm to 8pm.

Location: online using Zoom.

About event

6.30pm: Welcome from Giovanni Gaetani, Scope’s Membership Programme Lead

6.35pm: Elisabeth Ward introduces the theme of the event and the speakers

6.45pm to 7.30pm: Speakers panel with Isaac Harvey, Moeed Majeed and Lorna Reeve

7.30pm to 7.55pm: Roundtable discussion with members

8pm: Event ends

The first 15 participants will receive a diversity is power lunch bag


Elisabeth Ward

Elisabeth is Lead Accessibility Specialist at Scope. She supports organisations with disability inclusion. In particular content accessibility and the social model of disability.

Elisabeth is also an upper body amputee from birth and lives with chronic migraines. She brings her lived experience into everything she does. And she works hard to raise awareness around the barriers other disabled people face. Elisabeth is passionate about her work. She hopes to inspire genuine and impactful change for future generations.

Isaac Harvey

Award-winning vlogger, all-round adrenalin junkie and President of Wheels and Wheelchairs, Isaac Harvey MBE was born with limb-pelvic hypoplasia which prevented his limbs from growing. This disability has not stopped him from skiing, skydiving, tall ship sailing and much more.

For the past ten years he has used his feet to operate his computer – to edit videos, answer emails and share his lived experience with a huge number of people. This has led him and collaborating with other advocates and getting opportunities in helping share the importance of inclusion in different spaces.

From modelling in London Fashion Week wearing adaptive clothing, to being able to use his creativity in helping create engaging videos for different organisations, Isaac feels that he has a voice in the community and continues to promote inclusion. And it has been recognised – in 2023 Isaac was made an MBE in the King’s New Year’s honours list.

Moeed Majeed

Multitalented, award winning, content producer. After undergoing Stoma surgery in 2015 due to severe crohn's disease, Moeed began a rebuild of his life, going on to walk for London fashion week, appear on multiple Tv shows and work alongside VICE, Snapchat, Virgin Atlantic, Spotify, BBC, Vogue and London Borough of Culture. He continues his work as a freelance podcast producer and presenter, with a main aim of giving a voice to the voiceless.

Lorna Reeve

Lorna is Scope’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator. They previously worked in the Volunteering Team and have been at Scope since April 2022.  Lorna is queer and disabled and has always said she just wants to make a difference in the world. They have been a volunteer in mental health, disability, research and activism spaces for over 14 years and continue this work. Lorna is passionate about many things: her dog Eva, the importance of intersectionality, being a Northerner, and effective peer support. And you’ll usually hear her mention each of these at least once a day!