The Government want to make cuts to disability benefits to save money. But they don’t have their priorities in the right place.
They should be helping disabled people more with our extra costs. Instead, people like me could lose our financial security.
If I lost my disability benefits, a lot of my basic needs would go unmet. The effects of any cuts would be detrimental to my mental and physical health.
If I couldn’t afford to plug in my profiling bed and airflow mattress, I’d get pressure sores. I need to keep my fridge running for my medications. Without these items, I’d eventually end up in hospital.
Without my benefits, I’d worry about not having the money to live independently. I have to be able to afford my home because it’s been adapted for me. I couldn’t afford to pay towards having my carers. So, I’d lose them.
A lot of people don’t realise how expensive it is to be disabled. I have to self-fund so many vital things that there are too many to list. I regularly live from payment to payment of my benefits. The costs really do stack up during some months.
Right now, my disability benefits help me cover these costs, so I don’t have to worry. But without them, I wouldn’t be able to afford to live like I do.
I have to charge my mobility aids, and the remote control for my bath lift. My profiling bed and air mattress always need to be plugged in. I wear an alarm which enables me to get help quickly if I need it. This system needs electricity to function.
I can’t maintain my body temperature well. Being hot or cold affects my health. Because of this, I need to keep my house warmer in the colder months, and cooler in the warmer ones.
I use more water than most people for baths and extra loads of washing.
I get some help with my water bills, but not with gas and electricity.
These costs are essential parts of my care.
The NHS doesn’t provide everything that I need. I have to buy smaller aids like my adapted cutlery, straws, and lightweight lidded cups. That's only some of the items I pay for myself.
I’ve just had to buy a new wheelchair, and a power-assisted add-on for it. Although having these has changed my life, they came with huge price tags.
I also manage multiple food allergies, which makes my shopping more expensive.
I feel abandoned by the Government during these discussions around cutting disability benefits. It feels like they don’t see disabled people’s needs as important. I don’t think they care, and it makes me feel insignificant.
Some disabled people, with the right support, could be helped back into employment. But others, like me, rely on disability benefits because we can’t work.
Cutting benefits would only push us into financial poverty.
This story is part of the cost of cuts campaign. Cuts push disabled people into poverty, not jobs. Join us and show the Government we will not tolerate further cuts. Add your name to show your support.