
553 matches found

Water metre and no help for incontinence on ESA Contributory allowance

I applied for Thames water Watersure help but was refused due to being on ESA contributory and also on Severe Disability allowance.My story is that i did an apprenticeship so never paid hardly an ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Disability rights and campaigning - 11 Oct 2018

Scope community

Whats your view on Smart Meters?

I am having a smart meter fitted next month after a year of debating it as I heard alot of horror stories with them. My energy bill went from £53 to £132 a month this month and I only live in a ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Cost of living - 3 Dec 2022

Scope community

Smart metres

Hello everyone, not done a post for a long time, sorry due to health, so my question is, and I apologise in advance , I have a smart meter and have set a budget on it for daily usage, never done it ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Everyday life - 29 Sep 2024

Scope community

Help please to avoid unfair credit check issues and/or smart meters when switching energy providers

I am recovering from cancer and I need to switch energy provider and have two issues. One is that I don't want, for personal health reasons' smart meter which uses WIFI. E.on accept I don't have to ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Housing and independent living - 18 Jul 2020

Scope community

Advice re PiP reassessment & loss of benefit; DWP said I can walk 200 meters when I can't...

I was recently reassessed for PiP, and they took money off my benefit because they said I did not appear breathless or in pain when assessed. This is in relation to the 'moving around' section, which ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in PIP, DLA, and AA - 18 May 2019

Scope community

pre-payment meter?

hi just wandered if anyone else on a prepayment meter, and any tips please, thanks

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Cost of living - 11 Feb 2023

Scope community

Scope Opportunity: Have you been moved to a prepayment meter by your energy company?

Hi all, One of my colleagues at Scope is working with a journalist to present the results of some work we've done around energy bills. They're looking to speak to someone who's gone into arrears, and ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Cost of living - 3 Dec 2022

Scope community

Do I have to accept a smart meter and earliest date Woes?!

Hello Gas meter battery is low and company says a legacy meter has to be replaced with a smart meter and earliest date is late June! (Q1) can they insist ? (Q2) Fair to wait so long for any meter ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Benefits and financial support - 7 May 2021

Scope community

1 to 20 meters for pip

Hi I have recently been turned down for pip on the 20 to 50 meters as I've always claimed in the past, have now been told its 1 to 20 meters for high rate, is this now true.

Profile picture of the author Discussion in PIP, DLA, and AA - 7 Jun 2020

Scope community

walking 20 metres

can someone please explain to me the dwp obsession with the ability to walk 20 metres,I fail to see the relevance my assessor made two notes on my report that in his opinion I was able to walk 20 ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in PIP, DLA, and AA - 12 Jul 2017

Scope community