
69 matches found

Hi, I'm Gemz24! My son's SENco plan not reviewed & lost out on maths funding.

My son has done 4 yrs at college and was supposed to have had a senco review when he enrolled. I presumed this was taken care of as he has been working very closely with mentor, which I presumed was ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Education - 13 Apr 2023

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Educational psychologist and senco

I have a 10 year old son that has been having problems since he started school he did have bronculitus when he was a baby and also stopped breathing 5 times,he has had a educational psychologist ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Education - 28 Feb 2016

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How do I apply for short breaks for my 5year old who is autistic without going through SENCO?

Hello How do I apply for short breaks for my 5year old who is autistic without going through the school SENCO?

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Children, parents, and families - 1 Feb 2018

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Private rent

Hi I live in private rent with my 2 children my daughter has autism and ADHD, we live in a very small 3 bedroom house and her bedroom is the size of a closet shes 10 and she hoards everything teddy’s, ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Housing and independent living - 5 Oct 2023

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EHCP Criteria help

Hi I have a 9 year old just going into year 5 with ASD and ADHD. A few months ago he had a SALT review who told me that he could really do with an EHCP in place prior to secondary school, and for the ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Education - 9 Aug 2021

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Primary school

My son has been under peds since he started school. He is now in yr 5 cams have stated he is on the asd spectrum, also ADHD and disbraxia however his paediatrician keeps saying a diagnosis is for life ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Education - 4 Oct 2014

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failed neglected isolated and punished DAILY by TRUSTED GOVERMENT TEACHERS

if your son was ISOLATED and PUNISHED DAILY by safegaurd school support worker and certain SENIOR teaching staff head mistress duty head mistress also SENCO and my sons class teacher for not 1 year ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Education - 5 Mar 2024

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I think parents of children who have send have no idea what actually happens in schools

I understand exactly how you feel. I think parents of children who have send have no idea what actually happens in schools. That only ONE person in a WHOLE school has to have ANY qualifications in ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Education - 3 Nov 2021

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Need assistance

Im a parent of a 7 yr old autistic child. In September, SUPPOSEDLY the school SENCO will help me apply for a ehcp as the deadline for it all to go through is now finished. Firstly the school SENCO ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Autism and neurodiversity - 16 May 2019

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SEN Child being bullied - Help

Hi, I’m really hoping you can help me. Our son started coming home in the Autumn term of 2019 saying he was being hit and punched by another child. We spoke to the SENCO who is not ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Children, parents, and families - 8 Aug 2020

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