These are the guidelines that Scope will follow to make sure our work is as accessible as possible.
We will provide digital platforms that give equal access to all colleagues and customers.
Make sure that all of our digital estate complies with web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 AAA. When this cannot be achieved, we will meet AA compliance.
Create all content in an accessible format. These are:
When sharing a download link to a Word document on the website, including the following text:
“If you are downloading this Word document on a mobile or tablet device, please view it through Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Once the document is open, please select print mode view. This will mean that the formatting does not change.”
User acceptance testing (UAT) must be completed for the following changes to platforms:
This is to allow for accessibility testing to be completed.
All scope owned websites will have accessibility audits every 6 months. We will give priority the fails in collaboration with the third-party provider.
We will buy products and services compliant with these guidelines. Where this is not possible, we will work with the supplier to see how the identified issues could be fixed. Agreed fixes will be incorporated into the contract’s scope of work.
Discuss all contract renewals for digital platforms with the accessibility team. This is before making any decisions and at least 3 to 6 months in advance.
The accessibility team will review new digital platforms, software and tools with the procurement team. This does not include ones used for personal use. But does include products like Trello and Miro.