Physical accessibility

This has guidance on how to make our shops and offices accessible.

We demonstrate in our shops and offices how to push creative and inclusive design boundaries. This is beyond legal minimum building regulations while still accessible.

New properties (offices and shops)

All newly acquired shops or offices will meet the following guidance in full.

Step-free access to the public entrance:

  • make sure door frame or drainage grates are raised no more than 1.5cm 
  • mat wells will be level with all connected floors 

Step-free access to the rear exit. Where the rear exit has steps, an evacuation chair will be available. 

All facilities and work areas will be on one level. Shop colleagues will not be required to access additional floor levels.  

The pavement outside the main entrance will be at least 180cm wide. And no obstructions to a height of 210cm.

The main entrance door: 

  • will be 100cm wide 
  • will be powered opening, sliding doors or manual  
  • powered doors will be manually controlled by push pad or via motion sensors or contact mat.  
  • will include consideration for time-lapse of automatic closing 

Make sure that: 

  • manual controls are not located within close proximity of the door opening 
  • a safety stop is built in when the door closes with an obstruction in the doorway 
  • manual door controls are between 75cm and 100cm above ground level 

No carpet or restrictive materials within the public shopping area. Low-pile carpet tiles can be used in the staff only areas.

Internal doors: 

  • will be 90cm wide 
  • can be operated with one hand using a closed fist if they have a latch 
  • this will be apparent against the background door colour 
  • no self-closing manual doors 

All internal doors are held open with electro-magnetic devices. 

Building layout:

  • aisles and walkways with at least 120cm wide 
  • a turning point of 150cm at each junction within the shop floor 
  • changing rooms with a turning point of at least 150cm at the entrance 
  • all manually controlled switches and buttons are between 90 to 120 cm from ground level 
  • an unobstructed space of at least 30cm between the leading edge of a door and a return wall when it opens towards you. 

(Unless the door is opened by a remote automatic control).


The toilet will be built in line with Part M accessible toilet design features. 

It will include: 

  • clothing hooks at 110cm and 170cm from ground level 
  • emergency pull cords to be from ceiling height to the floor 
  • for community hubs and offices, one changing place will be available 

Till area:

The till counter will have:

  • a lowered platform of at least 90cm width 
  • a knee recess of at least 70cm 
  • a maximum overall height of 76cm 


The kitchen work surface will have:

  • a lowered point of at least 90cm width
  • a knee recess of at least 70cm
  • a maximum overall height of 76cm

Processing area: 

The processing table will have:

  • a lowered point of at least 90cm width
  • a knee recess of at least 70cm
  • a maximum overall height of 76cm 

Changing room: 

  • foldable chair open position at 45cm from ground level 
  • horizontal grab rail 18” in length, positioned 55cm from ground level 
  • vertical grab rail 18” in length, positioned at 45cm from ground level on the opposite side from the horizontal grab rail.  
  • emergency pull cords to be from ceiling height to the floor  
  • clothing hook levels 110 and 170cm 


  • all door frames contrast visually against the wall colour around it 
  • a hearing loop and beacon alarm system will be installed 
  • one wheelchair accessible gender neutral toilet 

Refurbished properties (shops)

Where refurbishments are planned, we will make sure they are as accessible as possible. This will be within the contractual or legal limitations we may face. They will meet the below requirements in full.

Step-free access to the public entrance: 

  • make sure door frame or drainage grates are raised no more than 1.5cm 
  • mat wells will be level with all adjacent floors 
  • if step-free access is not possible, a portable ramp will be provided that complies with Part M building regulations 

Step-free access to the rear exit. Where the rear exit has steps, an evacuation chair will be available. 

All facilities and work areas will be on one level. Where access is needed for multiple floor levels, adjustments must be identified by the project lead.  

The pavement outside the main entrance is at least 180cm wide. There are no obstructions to a height of 210cm. 

The main entrance door: 

  • will be 90cm wide 
  • will be powered opening, sliding doors or manual 
  • powered doors will be manually controlled by push pad or via motion sensors or contact mat 
  • will include consideration for time-lapse of automatic closing 
  • manual controls are not located within close proximity of the door opening 
  • safety stop is built in when the door closes with an obstruction in the doorway 
  • manual door controls should be between 75cm and 100cm above ground level 

No carpet or restrictive materials within the public shopping area. Low-pile carpet tiles can be used in the staff only areas.  

Internal doors: 

  • will be 80cm wide 
  • the door can be operated with one hand using a closed fist if there is a latch 
  • this will be apparent against the background door colour 
  • no self-closing manual doors 

All internal doors are held open with electro-magnetic devices. 

Building layout: 

  • aisles and walkways are at least 100cm wide 
  • turning point of 120cm at each junction within the shop floor 
  • all door frames contrast visually against the surrounding wall colour 
  • changing rooms will have a turning point of at least 120cm at the entrance 
  • all manually controlled switches and buttons are between 90 to 120 cm from ground level 
  • an unobstructed space of at least 30cm between the leading edge of a door and a return wall when it opens towards you. 

(Unless the door is opened by a remote automatic control).


The toilet will be built in line with Part M accessible toilet design features. 

It will include: 

  • clothing hooks at 110cm and 170cm from ground level 
  • emergency pull cords to be from ceiling height to the floor 

Till area: 

The till counter will have:

  • a lowered platform of at least 90cm width 
  • a knee recess of at least 70cm 
  • a maximum overall height of 76cm


The kitchen work surface will have:

  • a lowered point of at least 90cm width
  • a knee recess of at least 70cm
  • a maximum overall height of 76cm

Processing area: 

The processing table will have:

  • a lowered point of at least 90cm width
  • a knee recess of at least 70cm
  • a maximum overall height of 76cm  

Changing room: 

  • foldable chair open position at 45cm from ground level 
  • horizontal grab rail 18” in length, positioned 55cm from ground level 
  • vertical grab rail 18” in length, positioned at 45cm from ground level on the opposite side from the horizontal grab rail.  
  • emergency pull cords to be from ceiling height to the floor (only if there is a lockable door in the changing room) 
  • clothing hook levels 110 and 170cm 


  • a hearing loop and beacon alarm system will be installed 
  • one wheelchair accessible gender neutral toilet