You do not have to talk about your condition or impairment at work. You decide who you tell and how much you tell them. Talking about your condition may help in some situations, but not others.
Here are some tactics that disabled people have used to make working life more comfortable.
People may be curious about your condition and how you manage it. You decide how much you want to say. Be as honest and open as you feel comfortable with.
If people do not respond well, remember that it’s not your responsibility to change people’s attitudes to disability. Some colleagues may be more introverted or awkward, or they may just be too busy to talk.
If you work with someone who is disabled, you could ask them how they talk about disability to colleagues.
You could talk about:
You could try writing a ‘one-page profile’ about how you like to work and how people can support you.
Help people understand the kind of situations you plan for and manage, such as:
“I have a condition called X. This means that day to day I might Y and I may need you to Z.”
If you are concerned that a meeting might not be accessible to you, say:
"By the way, I've got a speech impairment so just ask me to repeat myself if you do not understand me."
"Just so you know, I'm visually impaired so I may not be able to read your presentation. Please can you email the slides to me ahead of time? Also, do not be surprised if you see me using my monocular."
Talking about your condition can help you to feel more in control. It may also help to put your colleagues at ease. But you do not have to answer questions you’re not comfortable with.
If you are concerned about how people act around you at work, speak to your manager. There are various ways you could help your colleagues understand how they need to work with you. You could:
Ask your manager if you need support to do your work. This could mean getting what the law calls reasonable adjustments.
If you have specific concerns about how you are being treated, discuss this with your manager.
Some people are more awkward with disabled people than others. If your manager's attitude to you affects your work, talk to the next level of management or the HR department.
Some people may react negatively to you, even when you try hard to make them feel comfortable.
Remember that it is not your responsibility to change everybody's attitudes towards disability.
But if you feel that relationships at work are becoming hostile or you are being bullied, it could be disability discrimination.
Last reviewed by Scope on: 02/10/2024
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