This information applies to England and Wales.
There are over 1.2 million disabled motorists in the UK.
Medical conditions, disabilities and driving (GOV.UK)
Find out about Blue Badges and parking.
Having your own vehicle may be the best option for you. You can drive it yourself or have someone drive it for you.
You can lease a car, scooter or powered wheelchair if you have been awarded:
You pay using the mobility components of your DLA or PIP.
If you do not need a wheelchair-accessible or adapted vehicle 365 days a year, you could try a subscription service.
Motability includes car insurance with tyre and windscreen replacement cover.
It is illegal for a car insurance company to charge you extra because of disability unless they can prove it is justified under the Equality Act 2010.
Motor insurance (Disabled Motoring UK)
Cars and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles accidents and insurance (Motability Scheme)
You can get help with driving lessons from:
Driving lessons (The Motability Scheme)
Driving Mobility can assess what kind of adaptations you might need. There are regional driving assessment centres across the UK and many have outreach centres. As well as adaptations, they will also assess your ability to drive.
Ask them to advise you on who can fit your adaptation. You should always get at least 2 quotes on how much it will cost.
If your condition means that you find it hard to get around, you may be able to get a Blue Badge. This helps you park nearer to places you want to go.
Apply for the Blue Badge scheme (GOV.UK)
Where Blue Badge holders can park (GOV.UK)
There is no right to appeal a Blue Badge decision but you can ask your local authority to review it.
BlueBadgeParking is a free, crowd-sourced, not-for-profit map of accessible parking around the world.
Last reviewed by Scope on: 09/07/2024
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