Getting financial help from your energy supplier

Many gas and electric suppliers can support you if you cannot afford your gas and electric bill or owe them money.

Support varies and can change quickly. Check with your supplier what they offer.

Sign up to your supplier's Priority Services Register

Get support with your energy bills.

Contact our Disability Energy Support service

Financial support to buy a boiler

If you need help to buy a boiler you can:

Eligibility and offers can change. You are not guaranteed to get financial support for a boiler.

British Gas Energy Trust

You do not have to be a British Gas customer to apply.

To apply you must:

  • live in England, Wales or Scotland
  • be the account holder or explain why you cannot complete the form yourself
  • not have received a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust within the last 2 years
  • have a current energy account in your name or be a member of that household
  • have gas or electricity debt or both
  • not have savings above £1,000
  • have received help from a money advice agency

When applying you must provide:

  • 3 recent consecutive wage slips or benefit statement less than 1 year old
  • your latest gas and electricity bill

Apply for a British Gas Energy Trust grant

Charis: Let’s Talk Energy Fund

The Let's Talk Energy Fund can help if you are struggling to pay your bills or to replace broken appliances such as:

  • cookers
  • fridges
  • freezers
  • washing machines

The fund considers customers of OVO (including OVO Energy, SSE and Boost) and Scottish Power first.

It can help customers of other energy suppliers, but this depends on funding availability.

When applying, you must prove you claim certain means-tested benefits.

Financial grants for individuals (Charis)

EDF Energy Customer Support Fund

To apply, you must be an EDF customer.

If you are in debt with your gas and electricity payments, EDF can provide grants to buy white goods, such as a fridge or washing machine.

Before applying, you must have accessed money advice and know your household income, spending and debts.

When applying you must:

  • know your EDF Energy account number
  • take a meter reading the day you send the application
  • tell EDF why you are applying, especially if this is due to illness or financial difficulties
  • have proof of any benefits or tax credits

EDF Customer Support Fund (

It’s quicker to send proof of your benefits electronically if you can.

E.ON Energy and E.ON Next Funds

This fund is available to help existing and previous E.ON and E.ON Next customers.

You can apply to receive financial help towards:

  • repaying arrears
  • replacing white goods such as cookers, fridge-freezers and washing machines

To apply, you must:

When applying, you must provide:

  • proof of all household income for yourself and anyone living with you for the current tax year.
  • all pages from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) stating your entitlement to a benefit and the amounts due to be paid for the current tax year
  • pension letters for State or private pensions
  • the budget sheet dated within the last 4 weeks and on headed paper

You will also need medical evidence, such as:

  • medical confirmation from the organisation that referred to you
  • or a medical DS1500 form
  • or medical confirmation from a consultant or your doctor

E.ON Next Energy Fund

Octo Assist Fund

Octopus customers can access financial support through an online tool. This asks you a series of questions about your financial situation.

Extra support from Octo Assist Fund

Ovo Extra Support

Ovo Energy has an Extra Support Scheme.

OVO's Extra Support

Scottish Power Hardship Fund

To apply, you must be a Scottish Power customer. You must be receiving 1 of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Job Seekers Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowance

Register online for the Scottish Power Hardship Fund

Once you have registered, they will email the form to you.

To complete the form over the phone or to apply for someone else, call 0121 285 2595.

You could also qualify if you have a low household income or if there are special circumstances. For example, you have experienced an income reduction due to illness.

Once your application has been received, they will review it within 5 working days. You will then get a letter or email which will tell you the outcome.


You must switch to a smart meter in prepayment mode to be considered.

Utilita Helping Hand Fund

Utility Warehouse

Call 0333 777 3215 to find out more about the fund.

Utility Warehouse Hardship Fund

Last reviewed by Scope on: 21/10/2024

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