This information applies to England and Wales.
Anyone can ask for adjustments if they need them.
You will need to:
If asking does not work, complaining can be the most effective way to get what you want.
People who are defined as 'disabled' under the Equality Act have the right to reasonable adjustments.
Ask why. If you disagree, you could negotiate to get what you need. You could:
If that does not work, you must follow the local complaints procedure.
Try talking with your manager first.
If that does not work, mention the lack of an adjustment in writing.
Keep copies of requests as evidence if you have to take a more formal approach later.
Complaints can be the quickest way to get the support you need.
If you can, start by talking with the person who is not supporting you. This could be a line manager who is not providing papers in an accessible format or a colleague who is ignoring you.
Making a formal complaint to an employer, education or service provider may help you reach an agreement and avoid going to court.
For education, this might include mediation.
Reasonable adjustments in college and university
If you are an employee complaining about someone at work, you will need to talk to your manager or someone else senior. You may need to raise a formal grievance.
If your employer rejects adjustments
You can look up the company on Resolver, which is a free complaints tool that provides templates and helps you to track your complaint.
Search for the company on Resolver
Submit your complaint. Usually, this will be online.
If making a written formal complaint does not work, find out if there is someone else you can appeal to. How this works will vary in different types of organisation, for example:
To have legal rights to reasonable adjustments, you will need to be defined as 'disabled' under the Equality Act. This usually means sharing how your condition affects you, not what your condition is.
Legally, an employer, education or service provider only has a duty to make reasonable adjustments when you are at a 'substantial disadvantage' compared to people who are not disabled.
Check if you're disabled under the Equality Act (Citizens Advice)
Not making reasonable adjustments is discrimination.
Disability discrimination and the law
To have a legal right to an adjustment, it must be considered 'reasonable'. There is no set definition of 'reasonable' in the Equality Act. It depends on several factors, but most importantly the disadvantage you are placed in.
An adjustment can be physical, such as a ramp or hearing loop. Or it can mean changing the way people behave towards you, such as colleagues not covering their mouths when they are speaking if you lip read. Many adjustments cost very little and can have benefits for everyone. For example:
Employers and people providing services or education should consider all disabled people's requests for adjustments.
If the organisation, education provider or employer refuses your request, they should explain why. The reasons for refusal can help you decide whether it is discrimination.
For example:
An organisation or employer may legally refuse an adjustment if it was too expensive or would disrupt other people or the business. This is not discrimination.
Refusing to make an adjustment that is cheap and easy to implement could be discrimination.
It could also be discrimination if the employer, services or education provider:
You should be able to get smaller and cheaper adjustments without proving that you are disabled.
For larger adjustments, it may help to show disability benefit paperwork or a GP's letter. You will always need written proof in court.
You should not have to prove that you are disabled. If a shop or public service refuses a smaller adjustment, complaining in person or online can help you get the support you need.
Do not use social media to complain about your employer.
Examples of smaller adjustments could include:
For larger adjustments, you might be asked to prove that you are disabled or how it affects you. There is no 'register' for disabled people so proving things can be hard.
It may help to show that you:
If you go to a court or tribunal, you will need to prove that your condition is classed as 'disabled' under the Equality Act. You will also need to prove that you are at a 'substantial disadvantage' compared to other people. This usually means a written report or letter. This could be from a:
County Court or a tribunal is a way of enforcing your rights to reasonable adjustments.
Getting advice about whether you have a legal case can help you decide how to get what you need.
It may be hard to prove that someone has refused an adjustment unreasonably.
Going to a court or tribunal takes time and can cost money. It can also be stressful.
Some solicitors may offer free advice.
Check if you can get legal aid (GOV.UK)
Finding free or affordable legal help (Citizens Advice)
You may also be able to get legal support through your:
No win, no fee solicitors may also be an option.
But you may have to pay for legal advice.
The Law Society website has a tool where you can search for different types of lawyers near you.
You can also refine the results based on access to their building including whether they:
Find a solicitor on The Law Society website
You can still get information and support from:
Last reviewed by Scope on: 05/11/2024
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