This information applies to England and Wales.
If someone commits a crime against another person because they are disabled or they think they are disabled, it is a disability hate crime. This also applies to parents of disabled children.
Anyone can commit a hate crime, including:
If you are in immediate danger or badly hurt, always call 999. You can text 999 to the emergency SMS service if you’ve pre-registered your phone number.
Hate crime can take many forms:
What is hate crime? (Facing Facts animation on YouTube)
Anyone can commit a hate crime, including your partner, family or someone you think is your friend or carer. Befriending crime happens when someone pretends to be your friend to take advantage of you. This might mean:
A hate incident happens when someone targets a person because they are disabled. The police have a duty to investigate hate incidents and may decide that a crime has taken place. Incidents can take many forms, including:
A hate incident becomes a hate crime when there is a criminal offence. Someone might be harassed or verbally abused many times by the same person before they commit a crime. Keep a record of incidents. It’s important that the police know about all hate incidents so they can build up evidence.
It can be difficult to tell the difference between a hate incident and a hate crime. Even if you are not sure, report the incident to someone you trust like a social worker who can help you speak with the police.
The police will decide if this is a crime. Telling the police will help them to keep you safe. It may also help to protect other disabled people.
If experiencing hate crime means you need support with your mental health, ask when you can.
If you are struggling with your mental health, ask for support when you can.
Looking after your mental health and wellbeing is important. Everyone manages their mental health differently.
For contact details of organisations that can help, go to:
Report hate crime as soon as possible. You can report:
There are several ways to do this. You can ask for help and you do not need to leave your house or talk to the police in person.
Report a hate crime (True Vision)
If you think that someone committed a crime against you because you are disabled, include this in your report. This means that the police can consider the incident as a disability hate crime.
Report a person’s behaviour if you are worried that they are committing a crime against you.
Think about what you need to include in your report. To investigate, the police will need as much information as you can give, such as:
You may find it upsetting to remember the details. You may need to share personal or intimate information. If you are worried about talking about it, ask for help from the police or victim support organisations.
The police have an obligation to protect you. They will decide if the evidence you give is enough to arrest someone. They can also issue a restraining order in some circumstances.
You can report a hate crime to the police:
Ask for the incident reference number. Make sure you keep a record of this. You can use this every time you talk to the police about your case.
If you need reasonable adjustments so that you can give a full report of what happened to you, you could ask for:
If you find it hard to talk about your experience, ask for a police officer who is trained to help you give evidence. You could ask a friend or family member to come with you or to call the police on your behalf.
Download your self-reporting form (True Vision)
Other ways to report (True Vision)
You can fill this in at home and send it to your local police station. It’s available in an Easy Read version.
If you believe you were targeted because you are disabled, the police should record it as a disability hate crime.
If you do not want to talk to the police, you can report hate crime anonymously.
You can do this through a third party reporting centre.
Search online for ‘third party reporting centre near me’ to find your nearest centre.
These are local agencies, like Citizens Advice, charities or community centres. They can report to the police on your behalf. They offer support and can advocate for you during a police investigation or court proceedings. You can make your report:
You can also report hate crime online or by phone, 24 hours a day.
Stop Hate UK offers a 24-hour reporting line by phone, text, email, web chat, text relay and BSL using InterpreterNow.
It also has a specialist reporting service for Learning Disability Hate Crime.
Check if Stop Hate UK works in your area
Victim Support is an independent charity that supports people who have experienced crime. They can offer advocacy, support and reassurance after a hate incident or crime.
Their third party reporting service is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
You can report by:
Victim Support can offer interpretation services for people whose first language is not English.
In Wales, the Wales Hate Support Centre can offer support through the medium of the Welsh language.
To report information about a crime anonymously, contact Crimestoppers UK on 0800 555 111.
Your child may find it difficult to explain what has happened to them. They may not realise it is a hate crime.
You may find it upsetting to hear them talk about what has happened but you are probably the best person to do this. Try to make a record. The police are more likely to be able to investigate if they can talk with you and your child.
The police have specially trained officers who can help your child give evidence. You can ask for reasonable adjustments to help your child to communicate with them. Your child might feel more comfortable if the interview took place at home or at a certain time of day.
If your child is still at school, talk to the school about what has happened. Your child may feel anxious about going to school or even leaving the house. The school’s safeguarding officers should support your child to feel safe and able to continue with their education.
Bullying is not a criminal offence. If your child is being bullied, talk to the school. Ask to see their bullying or behaviour policy to find out how they will deal with it.
If your child is being bullied
If you think that the bully is committing a crime because your child is disabled, talk to the police. For example, if they hit your child, steal their money or damage their property because they are disabled. They will investigate this as a hate crime. It’s important to report this before bullying escalates.
Signs that your child might be a victim of hate crime (United Response)
Some services can support both you and your child if they experience hate crime.
If you, your child or someone you know experiences hate crime, there are services that can help.
Stop Hate UK provides free and confidential support and advocacy in many areas of the UK.
Stop Hate UK helpline for reporting learning disability hate crime
Victim Support offers specialist support. They can help you:
Call free 24 hours a day on 08 08 16 89 111.
Contact Victim Support online or by text relay
Find your local Victim Support service
The charity Embrace provides practical and emotional support for children, families and young people.
Call Embrace on 0345 60 999 60 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Your local Citizens Advice can help you to call the police or report a crime on your behalf. They can also help you to make a complaint if you think the police have not treated you or your child fairly.
Find your local Citizens Advice
Last reviewed by Scope on: 14/02/2024
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