This information applies to England and Wales.
A trust can be a way of supporting a disabled person by protecting money and property. This includes money:
It gives people you trust (trustees) the legal right to support a disabled person using the money or property in the trust.
This is different from an appointee, who is someone who can manage a disabled person’s benefits for them..
A trust could help support a disabled person if they:
A trust:
You will not necessarily pay the same amount of inheritance tax if you:
Take advice on the tax rules for trusts.
The 2 most common types of trust people use to support disabled people are:
This is different from a savings account.
This information is not legal advice. Contact a solicitor if you:
You will have to pay for legal advice.
You can search for solicitors that specialise in wills and trusts on the Law Society website.
For inheritance, you can put money and property into a trust for a disabled person. Trustees manage the trust.
A disabled person can put compensation or a gift of money into a disabled person’s trust.
This type of trust is good for managing:
This type of trust usually lasts for the lifetime of the disabled person but can be shorter or longer.
When they die, the money, assets or property could pass to someone else that you choose.
For example, if you have one disabled child and one or more non-disabled children, the disabled person’s trust could pass down to non-disabled children or other people.
You can set up a disabled person’s trust if the person is receiving a benefit that makes them eligible. This includes:
They do not have to receive these benefits, just be eligible. There are other benefits that can also mean that the disabled person is eligible as ‘a vulnerable beneficiary’.
Who qualifies as a vulnerable beneficiary? (GOV.UK)
You can also set up a disabled person’s trust if someone does not have mental capacity to manage their finances.
For a discretionary trust, you need a group of beneficiaries. For example:
You do not need to be recognised as a disabled person by law to benefit from a discretionary trust. This means they may be easier to set up. You will most likely pay more tax on a discretionary trust compared to a disabled person’s trust.
These trusts can:
Giving money directly to the disabled person could affect their means-tested benefits or social care.
It can be safer for trustees to agree to pay for things that the disabled person wants or needs because this is less likely to affect means testing.
Trusts can be a good way of not affecting means testing because:
If trustees give the money directly to the disabled person, it counts towards income and savings.
Going over savings or income limits could affect the disabled person’s:
Different councils have different rules on how they allocate council housing. You might be a lower priority if you go over the savings or income limit. You can check this by searching for your local council’s housing allocation policy.
Trustees must:
Trustees decide how to use the money and property in a trust.
The person the trust is for (beneficiary) will have to ask the trustees for money or things they need.
Choose trustees who:
Trustees must communicate regularly and agree all decisions. They could be:
You can have any number of trustees. Between 2 and 4 is usually recommended. A trust corporation can be a sole trustee.
A relative or friend could be a good trustee if they:
A paid professional could be a:
You may choose to pay a professional trustee if:
Talk to a solicitor to find out more about professional trustees.
Get legal advice if you have problems with trustees.
Putting assets into a trust rather than giving them to someone outright can result in a different amount of inheritance tax. Trusts can result in more or less of other types of tax.
The amount of tax you pay depends on your circumstances.
Get legal advice. You would need to pay.
Setting up a trust is different depending on where the money has come from.
The solicitor might be able to recommend a bank account for you to set up the trust.
You could also check with different banks to see if they offer any accounts that are good for trusts.
If you have compensation or a gift of money that you would like to put in a trust, speak to a solicitor.
Find a solicitor that specialises in compensation payments or gifts of money. Ask them to prepare the legal documents to set up a trust.
Find a solicitor (The Law Society)
If it is for inheritance, a trust can be:
Find a solicitor that specialises in wills and trusts to prepare the legal documents to set up a trust.
Find a solicitor (The Law Society)
The documents will include a letter of wishes where you might say:
You can also use a letter of wishes to explain other aspects of your will.
Trustees can only use the trust in a will:
A trust should be separate from the will if you have:
This is because they usually cannot be included in a will.
You would also have a trust separate from your will if other people want to contribute to the trust.
For example, if this is being set up for a disabled child, both parents can pay into a single trust.
Trusts can make it harder for other people to financially abuse a disabled person. This is because trustees need to approve purchases that the disabled person wants.
Financial abuse includes:
Mate crime is when someone says they are your friend but takes advantage of you. For example, asking you for money or to buy them things.
These trusts are a good way to support a disabled person to make financial decisions after you die. Other ways include:
Legally, local authorities must pay for eligible social care. This could leave more money in the trust to pay for other things that will improve the disabled person’s quality of life.
Ask the local authority for a social care assessment if they have not done this yet.
Social care assessments have 2 parts:
You can challenge a social care assessment if you think it does not meet eligible outcomes. For example, not being able to:
You can also challenge a social care assessment if the needs of the disabled person have changed.
Challenging or complaining about your social care
If you think the disabled person cannot manage their own benefits, you can apply to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to become an appointee.
The disabled person needs to give permission. An appointee manages all the meetings and paperwork around someone’s benefits.
A deputy is someone the Court appoints to make decisions for someone who cannot make decisions for themselves. This is called mental capacity.
Mental capacity means being able to decide because you can:
The Mental Capacity Act (Mencap)
If the disabled person does not have mental capacity, get advice about deputies.
Depending on the circumstances, a deputy can have the right to make decisions on:
Deputies: make decisions for someone who lacks capacity (GOV.UK)
Last reviewed by Scope on: 03/03/2025
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