As a brand our role is to amplify the truths and lives of all disabled people.
This is the idea that is at the heart of our brand and guides everything that we do.
We’re here to give all disabled people a powerful platform.
A space to be recognised and understood.
Millions of voices. Unmissable and proud.
Welcoming everyone in.
Speaking disabled people's truths.
Fearless in our desire for change.
We’re here to tell stories.
Stories that transform standards, behaviours and beliefs.
Challenging assumptions. Expanding views.
Daring the world to think, act and create differently.
Championing an equal and equitable future for all.
For us, amplifying is about 2 things: voices and visibility
We speak as a collective
We are many voices, not one.
We are people, not an organisation.
We speak as a group of disabled and non-disabled people devoted to:
Whenever possible, its about amplifying other voices with content, stories and quotes.
Even when we're talking as Scope, there are millions of voices within. We are all in Scope.
We speak to expand views
We shine a light on lived experience.
We share truths to change understanding.
We create space for disabled people.
We do not shout, we speak boldly to inform and educate.
We do highlight issues to transform beliefs.
We have 3 experience principles to guide our brand, tone of voice and visual identity. Visit our experience principles page.