Host your own Joke for Scope

Joke for Scope is our brand new programme to help people to put on their own comedy fundraisers.

As well as helping raise vital funds for Scope, you'll be breaking down barriers and showing what people are capable of in their own unique way.

The things that make you different are the things that make you unique. And we should all be proud of them.

Adam Hills, comedian

Whether you want to organise a Joke for Scope themed fundraiser with your school, at work, or in your own home we've got some great ideas to help you get started.

At school

Hold your own Joke for Scope event at school, it could be so much pun!

  • host a comedy and talent show
  • vote for and screen a funny film
  • hold a lunchtime silly walk contest
  • dress as your favourite comic character day

School joke off

  • entrants pay £1 to submit their best joke
  • everyone votes for their favourite in the class
  • the whole school votes on the class winners to discover the school's best joke!

At work

Come together as a team and show you and your company support everyday equality.

  • host a comedy and talent show
  • hilarious movie night
  • comedy-themed quiz
  • dress down day, or get your managers to dress as a comic character you vote for!

Work joke off

How funny is your team? Think you’re better than another department?

  • entrants pay £1 to submit their best joke on a different theme each day for a week
  • the themes could even be related to your work!
  • everyone votes for their favourites, with prizes for the winners

At home

There are so many fun things you could organise at home and watch as the laughter unfolds.

  • comedy movie night
  • funny food roulette. Taste and guess mystery foods (and maybe some non-foods like toothpaste!)
  • share a photo that makes you cringe and nominate 3 friends to do the same on Facebook (and make a donation via Facebook)

Contact us

We have lots of fab freebies to give you including balloons, sponsorship forms, stickers and posters. We can also give you one-to-one support every step of the way!

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