Giving in memory of a loved one

Thank you so much for considering donating to Scope in memory of your loved one.

Your donations will create a lasting tribute that will honour the life of someone you have lost and make a real difference to the lives of disabled people and their families.

Ways to donate in memory

To give money to Scope in memory of a loved one you can:

  • donate online
  • print out our donation form (PDF 590KB) and post it with your gift to: In memory gifts, FREEPOST SCOPE EVENTS, Scope, Here East Press Centre, 14 East Bay Lane, E15 2GW
  • call us on 020 7619 7270

Fundraising in memory

You can also commemorate your loved one by organising a fundraising event. Fill out this form and we'll send you everything you need to get started.

Sign up and start fundraising

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