Disability grants

Your income may not be enough to meet the extra costs of disability. You might need grants to pay for:

Disability Grants has sections on:

A grant does not have to be paid back.

Warning Fundraising

Be aware that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) may consider a grant or fund as income. This could affect your benefits, so check how savings affect means-tested benefits.

Fundraising for equipment and support

For aids or adaptations to your home, contact your local social services (GOV.UK).

If you’re eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), an Occupational Therapist (OT) will visit you to help identify what you need.

Disabled Facilities Grants

Applying for grants

Charities and grant-giving trusts rarely give money for things that government provides for.

Use the Turn2us benefits calculator to find out what you can claim.

Local welfare assistance schemes (End Furniture Poverty)

Do not apply for a grant from a charity or trust unless you have checked what you can claim.

Explore your options with your occupational therapist, care manager or local disability information and advice organisation.

Find an adviser (Advicelocal)

Scope does not give grants.

You could try the following grant search tools:

Making your application

When you have a list of likely funders, you can start making applications. The process can be long and complex.

Make sure you match each charity or trust's eligibility criteria.

If you are applying for a large sum, you will probably need to apply to several funders.

  • Find out how to apply. Is it in writing, online or on a special application form?
  • Some trusts and charities insist requests come through a third party, like social services or a professional, and will not accept them directly from the applicant.
  • Some accept only one application per year.

Include as much information as possible in your application, such as:


The person's diagnosis, how it affects them and any problems it presents.


What is the grant for? Is it for equipment, a holiday or household items? Explain how this will benefit the person and any positive effect on other family members or carers.

Professional view

If possible, include a professional's recommendation on how the item would benefit the individual.


Confirm the amount of money needed. Get several quotes, so you can show the price range, that you have done the research and will be paying the right price.

Statutory sources

If you have tried to get funding through statutory sources and have been told you cannot have funding, ask for a letter confirming this. Enclose the letter with your application.

Personal contribution

Say if you or your family can contribute to the overall amount.


Say if you will be approaching several trusts and charities to try to raise the funds collectively. Thank the trustees for considering your application and give contact details for further information.

You could start with our sample grant or trust funding application letter. It helps you with what to write.

Debt advice

Few organisations will give funds for debts or pay for items you have already bought. 

If you already have debt or fear you are about to, seek professional advice. Talk to your local Citizens Advice or The National Debtline.

Help with debt

Last reviewed by Scope on: 21/10/2024

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More on fundraising and grants