Research and policy

Scope carries out research so that we can develop policy. We use this policy to campaign to create a fairer society for disabled people.

  1. Research: Our research uncovers the facts about life for disabled people and their families.
  2. Policy: We use the results of our research to produce policy recommendations for government and business.
  3. Campaigns: Our policy informs our relentless campaigning to change attitudes and help ensure everyday equality for disabled people.

Research and reports

Research and policy areas

Our work includes quantitative (facts and figures) and qualitative (people's experiences) research, which gives us a unique insight into disabled people's experiences, needs and ambitions. We also measure the effectiveness of our work.

We provide a platform for disabled people’s voices and experiences. And support young disabled people to campaign on the issues which matter to them.

Our current research and policy work is focused on 3 areas:

Early years and growing up

We want to ensure all disabled children can fulfil their potential.

We also campaign so that disabled young people have the right support as they grow up.

Living independently

We campaign so that disabled people can live independent, connected and confident lives.

We work to:

  • tackle negative attitudes towards disability
  • ensure disabled people can access the right care and support
  • improve travel and transport for disabled people
  • make sure innovations in digital technology include disabled people.

Financial security

Disabled people face extra costs of an average £975 a month related to their impairment or condition. We want to reduce this financial penalty faced by disabled people. This figure is updated yearly. Check the latest figure.

We also work to tackle the barriers disabled people face getting and staying in a job. We have produced a guide for employers about reporting on disability and employment.

Evaluation at Scope

Evaluating our services and campaigns work is an important way for us to understand how they are changing disabled people's lives. Working towards a mission of achieving everyday equality for disabled people.

In our evaluation work we look to identify:

  • the areas of success. Where we are delivering and meeting the needs of disabled people
  • recognise ways for us to develop, improve, and further our work and the support we offer

As part of our commitment to being open and fair, we will be publishing our impact and evaluation reports to this page throughout the year.


Support to Work (published October 2020)

Research panel

Scope's research panel is one of our most important tools for investigating disabled people's real life experiences. The research panel is a group of our customers and supporters who help us create and improve our services, advice and campaigns.

Find out more about and sign up for the research panel

Our campaigns

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